Friday, October 12, 2012

1930 to 1935-ish

Several of these photos are "back to school" pix of Elwood J. and Betty. 
Few have dates, so they might not be in chronological order. 

Alice's younger sister Helen
Front: 1930

Back: "El & Betty"
No date; clearly at Lake Nelson

Back: "El & his 1st girl"
No date

Back: "El & Joe--sad sacks"
(I thought at first it said "red socks." I assume "sad sacks" is not the dog's name.)

Back: "1st day of school Bets and El"
No date
(This photo and the three that follow definitely came from the same roll/camera.)

And now, with their coats

Back: "Betty & El"

Back: "Betty"

Back: "Betty and Elwood Smith 1932
Betty's First Day of School"
(This must be the following year. El is a few inches taller than Bets here.
In the back-to-school photos above, they were much closer in height.)

Back: "July 1933
Van Ness Ter."

Back: "July 1933"

Back: "July 1933"

Back (in Elwood J.'s childhood handwriting):
"Elwood James Smith
Lake Nelson
Age 7"
(Most likely summer of 1933)

Nothing on back or front, but Elwood and Betty look a little older here--
maybe it's from 1935 or 1936?

Back: "Grandma Smith"
No date; mid-1930s is my guess based on the dresses and hat